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Centralized Dashboard

Learn more about Trio Education's Dashboard Features

Updated over 7 months ago

Welcome to Trio Education's Centralized Dashboard!

Trio Education is the latest innovation designed to make schools and educational environments safer for students. It offers a variety of features, including Smart App Rules, Safe Search, Web Filter, Smart Screen, Staff management, and more. To view a summary of everything you have configured in your Trio Education account, you can visit your dashboard.

This centralized dashboard includes a wealth of information and shortcuts, helping the administrator easily locate the feature or option they're looking for.

School Information

The school information section includes details such as the school name, number of classes, students, devices, and staff. By clicking the "Update School" button, the admin can make changes to the school information. Each section also has an option to add new entries, such as adding a new class.

Today's Attendance

Trio Education tracks students' attendance and reports it to the school. When students enter the school geofence, a log will record their presence, indicating the time of their arrival and whether they are on time, late, or absent.

Weekly board

The weekly board displays the school's schedule, including the timing of classes, the days classes are held, and information about each class.

Activity Log

The activity log displays the latest events occurring on the Trio Education panel. This includes activities such as adding new devices, device-related events, and changes related to classes and students.


The statistics section provides information on app usage and web activity. By clicking the "View All" button, the user is redirected to the reports page, where they can access detailed information about each section.

If you have more questions about the Dashboard, please contact Trio Support team!

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