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Dashboards & Asset Overviews

Use Trio's Dashboards and Overviews to keep track of all your assets in great and practical detail.

Updated over a week ago


  • Comprehensive Overview: Get a bird's-eye view of departments, employees, devices, and applications.

  • Notifications: Stay informed with dedicated notifications in one place.

  • Security: Monitor key security metrics like disk encryption and firewall coverage.

  • OS Distribution: Understand your company's operating system landscape.

  • Employee Lifecycle: Stay informed about onboarding and offboarding activities.

  • Device Management: Track recently added devices and available OS updates.

Software Overview

  • Keep track of all the recently added applications from official stores or recently uploaded enterprise apps by panel admins. (This view can be changed based on operating systems)

  • Get real-time insights on the most used apps by your organization and employees.

  • Keep an on the Volume Purchase Program (VPP) expiry for managing bulk licenses and apps.

  • Keep track of the software used within each department and how many devices have apps that are auto-installed or are limited to a specific app repository (software desk).

Device Overview

  • Full list of recently added devices: See all new additions at a glance.

  • Device distribution: Quickly identify the breakdown of MacOS, iOS, and Windows devices.

  • CIS level 2 compliance: Track the compliance status of your devices with key security metrics.

  • Device ownership: Understand the distribution of company-owned and personal devices.

  • Basic security metrics: Monitor disk encryption and firewall coverage across your devices.

  • OS version overview: Gain insights into the specific operating systems used on your devices.

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